Ready to Plan your Beautiful KC North Area Wedding & Don’t Know Where to Start?
We know every wedding will be different and might have other needs that may not have been factored into the calculations below, but we know it may be helpful to get you an idea of your total wedding day investment, so we’ve provided the calculator below.
This is not a guarantee of service, costs, etc. It is a rough estimate for budgeting purposes based on our couples experiences. You could spend much more if you desired. It would be challenging to spend less.
Please do your own due diligence.* If pricing differs between here and our investment page, the pricing on the investment page is accurate and current.
Take The Next Step
To check our availability, for a quote, or to speak to Susan, call us, text us, email us or click here to contact us.
Email us at, or give us a call 816-296-3470 (Landline), or call/ text at {816-947-0825}